$ SET DEFAULT [RED.NEWHEL] $ ASSIGN NEWTEST.INP FOR011 $ ASSIGN NEWTEST.OUT FOR006 $ RUN [RED.NEWHEL]NEWHELIX TITL (C-G)3-T4-(C-G)3 UCLA 1D16 OCTAMER, ALT.HELIX STEPS OF HEXAMER ONLY CELL 1., 1., 1., 90., 90., 90. Comments: In this test example, the DNA hexadecamer of sequence C-G-C-G-C-G-T-T-T-T-C-G-C-G-C-G has been treated as a non-self- complementary octamer with strand sequences C-G-C-G-C-G-T-T and T-T-C-G-C-G-C-G, by deleting the P and two O's of P9. This allows one to examine twist, roll, torsion angles and other parameters of the T's as well as of the Z-DNA C-G-C-G-C-G stem. The "helix" parameters for the T's are wild, but are interesting. (Deleting the two phosphates is accomplished, in BRKH input format, by changing the ATOM at the beginning of each of the three coordinate lines to anything else, in this case PHOS. The BRKH input therefore ignores the three lines.) Only the first six base pairs of the octamer should be used to define the overall helix axis; the T's are not really part of the helix. Hence the two HELX cards below are inactivated in favor of a HLX2 and continu- ation that list explicitly the numbers of C1', N1 and N9 atoms of C and G. For Z-DNA, the true helix repeats are between alternating C1' atoms: C to C and G to G, not C to following G or G to C. (These comments are ignored by NEWHELIX because they are indented four or more spaces.) BRKH FLGP 0 FPUN 0 PMIN 0 PMAX 0 NATM 320 BASE 8 HELX RC1' YC1' HELX RN9 YN1 HLX2 8,49,49,90,27,68,68,109,309,268,268,227,290,249,249,208,= 9,50,50,91,28,69,69,110,310,269,269,228,291,250,250,209 BROL CYLN TRNG END $ DEL FOR012.DAT;*, FOR015.DAT;* $ EXIT