A simple Perl utility for downloading the files from any given Protein Data Bank update date. dates latest 20020708


Overview is a simple Perl program for downloading all files from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) associated with a particular update date, including coordinate files, structure factors, and nmr restraints.

Requirements requires either one of the following common download utilities. On most systems where Perl is installed, one or both of these utilities will already be present.

1) LWP::UserAgent, a Perl module for downloading files from the World Wide Web. LWP::UserAgent is part of the libwww-perl module, which is available from CPAN. Please see the link in the SEE ALSO section.

2) wget, a common Unix utility for downloading files from the World Wide Web. wget is also available for most Windows operating systems. Please see the link in the SEE ALSO section.


The program can be run in three different modes as follows:

1) Get a list of valid update dates: dates

In this mode, the program will only retrieve and print a list of all valid update dates.

2) Get the files from the latest update: latest

In this mode, the program will retrieve all files associated with the latest update. The files will be saved in some or all of the following directories underneath your current working directory:


3) Get the files from any given update: <yyyymmdd> 

  e.g.: 20020708  

In this mode, the program will retrieve all files associated with the specified update date. Again, the files will be saved in the same directory structure, e.g.:



1) Please note that this program will write some or all of the following additional files relative to your current working directory:


If any of these files are present prior to running this program, they will be overwritten! A safe option would be to create a new directory first, and then run, e.g.:

  mkdir newpdbfiles
  cd newpdbfiles latest

2) If an added file (e.g. pdb1f5d.ent.Z from added.pdb) was obsoleted after the specified update date (20001212), then the program will issue a warning, and save the file in the obsolete directory (20001212/obsolete) on local disk instead of the added directory.

3) As of 1 July 2002, all theoretical models were moved to a dedicated area of the PDB FTP archive, and effectively all access to them was removed from the PDB Web interface. If a file (e.g. pdb1pln.ent.Z) represents a theoretical model, the program will issue a warning, and save the file in one of the models directories on local disk.

4) By default, the program will access the main PDB FTP servers at SDSC. Alternatively, another mirror FTP site may be specified as a second command line argument, e.g.: latest


This documentation refers to version 1.1 of

Version history:

  Version  Date        Comments
  1.1      2002-09-13  Moved from LWP::Simple to LWP::UserAgent
                       to support proxies (e.g. from behind a firewall)
  1.0      2002-07-16  First release


Wolfgang Bluhm ( ) for the Protein Data Bank ( )


1) Not really a bug, but if your perl locations happens to be different from /usr/local/bin/perl, simply run the program as

  perl getPdbUpdate latest 

2) Be aware that only LWP::UserAgent::mirror, but not wget, preserves the original time stamps of the files being downloaded. is intended only for your personal use, and hence this limitation may be of little consequence to you. Please note that files downloaded by should not be served to the public through any kind of mirror site.

SEE ALSO -- Protein Data Bank (PDB) home page -- PDB FTP site -- Last PDB Update -- download page for this script and documentation -- libwww-perl download page -- wget home page


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