Release #87 - January 1999
Published by
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Protein Data Bank
Internet Sites
WWW http://www.pdb.bnl.gov
FTP ftp.pdb.bnl.gov
WWW http://www.rcsb.org
FTP ftp.rcsb.org
January 1999 CD-ROM Release
9179 Released Atomic Coordinate Entries
Molecule Type
8143 proteins, peptides, and viruses
381 protein/nucleic acid complexes
643 nucleic acids
12 carbohydrates
Experimental Technique
206 theoretical modeling
1452 NMR
7521 diffraction and other
2424 Structure Factor Files
522 NMR Restraint Files
The total size of the atomic coordinate entry database is 4.3 GB uncompressed.
Table of Contents
What's New at the PDB
Deposition of Structure Factors at the Protein Data Bank
PDB World Wide Web Mirroring System
Proposal: PDB Depositors Club
Morton Kjeldgaard
Validation of Sugars in the PDB
Notes of a Protein Crystallographer-
A Crystal in Time
Affiliated Centers and Mirror Sites
BNL PDB Access, FTP Directory Structure, Consultants, Staff, Support
What's New at the PDB
Joel L. Sussman
On Oct 1, 1998, the following announcement was made by Rutgers University:
"NEW BRUNSWICK/PISCATAWAY, N.J. - The Research Collaboratory for Structural
Bioinformatics (RCSB; http://www.rcsb.org/), a consortium composed of
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; the University of California at
San Diego; and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
has received a $10 million, five-year award from the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the Department of Energy (DOE), and two units of the
National Institutes of Health: the National Institute of General Medical
Sciences (NIGMS) and the National Library of Medicine (NLM). The award will
enable the RCSB to operate and significantly extend the capabilities of the
Protein Data Bank (PDB), a critical tool for unlocking the secrets of
biological systems in pharmaceutical and medical research."
Needless to say, we at the PDB wish the RCSB all the best in continuing the
27-year tradition of the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank. The PDB is at present
a major international resource used by scientists, educators and students
throughout the world. During the past few years, we at the PDB, in
collaboration with many others, have greatly enhanced this resource into a
very user-friendly and powerful tool for bridging the gap between the 3D
structure and the genome worlds (Sussman, J. L. [1997]. "Bridging the Gap"
Nature Struct. Biol. 4, 517). Some examples of this can be seen:
* PDB's AutoDep procedure, which has made deposition of structural data to
the PDB much easier, and, more importantly, much richer in information and
more accurately checked before release of the data. It has also made
uploading coordinates, structure factors and NMR restraints files very
simple for the depositors.
* Results of the `Layered Release Protocol' have exceeded our best
expectations, with the number of new entries being requested to be `on-hold'
now down to only ~20% (and still going down) as contrasted to well over 75%
just a year ago (Sussman, J. L. [1998]. "Protein Data Bank Deposits" Science
282, 1991).
* The fact that the PDB is now receiving structure factors for a very high
percentage of the structures determined by X-ray crystallography (Jiang, J.,
Abola, E. & Sussman, J. L. [1999]. "Deposition of structure factors at the
Protein Data Bank" Acta Cryst. D55, 4, and reprinted in this Newsletter).
* The close interaction that the PDB now has with most journals relevant to
structural studies to ensure deposition in the PDB (and release) of
coordinates as a prerequisite for acceptance of manuscripts (see e.g.,
editorials in: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA [1998] 95, pg. iii; Nature [1998]
394, 105; Science [1998] 281, 175).
Numerous close interactions/collaborations with scientists from around the
world has yielded beneficial results for the entire community. This has
resulted in the PDB becoming a truly international endeavor, e.g.:
First remote PDB deposition site has been established in Europe at the EBI.
Improvement in handling of ligands and Het groups for both deposition and
retrieval of information via programs developed by M. Hendlich (University
of Marburg, Germany) and the CCDC
(Cambridge, UK).
PDB Lite & `Noncovalent Bond Finder' (E. Martz, University of Massachusetts,
The user-friendly way of accessing the PDB via the 3DB Browser (developed in
close collaboration with Dr. Jaime Prilusky, Bioinformatics Unit, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel) has already become the standard for several
online journals pointing to the PDB atlas pages of structures. In fact, the
information presented there is in some ways clearer and easier to read than
the methods sections in some journal articles.
The close interaction with the BioMagResBank (BMRB, Univ. of Wisconsin) for
the handling of NMR structural data.
The fact that industrially determined 3D structures are now being deposited
to the PDB, even without publication, has been made possible via the close
collaboration between the PDB and the HIV Protease Database (developed by
Alexander Wlodawer, at the NCI, Frederick, MD and Jiri Vondrasek at IOCB,
Prague, Czech Republic, www.-fbsc.ncifcrf.gov/HIVdb).
The 17 mirror sites in 13 countries around the world now provide easy and
fast local access to the PDB web pages.
This work has been carried out by a most dedicated and talented staff at the
PDB, led by Enrique Abola, Deputy Head of the PDB, together with Betty
Deroski, Arthur Forman, Sabrina Hargrove, Jiansheng Jiang, Mariya
Kobiashvili, Pat Langdon, Michael Libeson, Dawei Lin, Nancy Manning, John
McCarthy, Christine Metz, Otto Ritter, Regina Shea, Janet Sikora, Lu Sun,
Subramanyam Swaminathan and Dejun Xue. In addition, John Rose (Univ. of
Georgia), Mia Raves (Utrecht Univ.), Clifford Felder, Kurt Giles, Jaime
Prilusky, Marilyn Safran, Vladimir Sobolev (Weizmann Institute of Science),
Kim Henrick (EBI), Gert Vriend (EMBL-Heidelberg), Barry Honig (Columbia
Univ.), and Axel Brünger (Yale Univ.) have provided invaluable support
throughout the years. The PDB Advisory Board and the BNL administration
together with the BNL Chemistry and Biology Departments have been an
invaluable resource over the years. I wish to express my great appreciation
and respect for this team, which has constantly shown enormous initiative
and professional capability in all their endeavors.
Deposition of Structure Factors at the Protein Data Bank
Jiangsheng Jiang, Enrique Abola and Joel L. Sussman
The following article appeared in Acta Cryst. (1999) D55, and is reprinted
with permission.
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) has long made available the experimental data
which were used to determine the 3D structures in the database. In recent
years more and more depositors and users of the PDB have come to appreciate
the importance of reliable access to such fundamental data. The deposition
of the experimental data, along with the coordinates is essential for the
following reasons:
(1) Rigorous validation of the structure determination results can only be
carried out using both atomic parameters and experimental structure factor
(2) Archiving of this data will ensure their preservation and continued
Whether or not to require that the experimental data be deposited
concomitantly with the structure data has been hotly discussed recently in
the scientific press [Baker, Blundell, Vijayan, Dodson, Dodson, Gilliland &
Sussman (1996). Nature (London), 379, 202] and on the internet [EBI/MSD
Draft Consultative Document for Deposition of Structure Factors,
At present more than 50% of the X-ray diffraction submissions are being
deposited with their associated structure factors (see Table 1), compared to
25% four years ago. This increase is probably partly due to the ease of
uploading the files via our WWW-based submission tool, AutoDep, and the fact
that this tool is available both in the USA at BNL (PDB deposition site at
http://www.pdb.bnl.gov) and in Europe at the EBI(EBI deposition site at
http://www2.ebi.ac.uk/pdb). The PDB strongly encourages all
researchers to deposit their structure factors at the time of coordinate
submission. Furthermore, we actively encourage journals
to require their submission as a prerequisite for publication. [Sussman
(1996) Protein Data Bank Quart. Newslett. No. 75, p. 1, at
In order to facilitate the use of deposited structure factors, we at the
PDB, together with a number of macromolecular crystallographers and the IUCr
Working Group on Macromolecular CIF, developed a standard interchange format
for structure factors [PDB Structure Factor mmCIF at
ftp://pdb.pdb.bnl.gov/pub/pdb/structure_factors/cifSF_dictionary; Protein
Data Bank Quart. Newslett. No. 74, p. 1 (1995), at
ftp://pdb.pdb.bnl.gov/newsletter/newsletter95oct/newslttr.txt]. This
standard is the mmCIF format, i.e. the IUCr-developed Macromolecular
Crystallographic Information File. It was chosen for its simplicity of
design and for being clearly self-defining. The format is also easy to
expand, as new crystallographic experimental methods or concepts are
developed, by simply adding additional tokens. The entire mmCIF
crystallographic dictionary (http://ndb.rutgers.edu/NDB/mmcif) has recently
been ratified by the IUCr's COMCIFS committee.
The PDB has written a program to quickly and easily convert structure
factors, as output by the most frequently used crystallographic programs,
into the mmCIF format. This tool, which also converts binary CCP4 MTZ files,
will be accessible through the AutoDep program following final testing. MTZ
files, which are useful in individual labs, are not appropriate for archival
purposes. This is because particular groups arbitrarily attach different
labels to the MTZ columns.
During the past year, the PDB has converted virtually all the old
structure-factor files to this standard format and is keeping up-to-date on
all new submissions. As of November 1998, there ~2 000 structure factor
files released in the structure factor mmCIF format (PDB mmCIF
structure-factor files can be found at
ftp://pdb.pdb.bnl.gov/pub/pdb/structure_factors/CIF_format), with an
additional ~1 300 `on-hold' for up to four years according to the IUCr
policy (see IUCr deposition policy at
http://www.iucr.org/iucr-top/journals/acta/actad_notes.html). The structure
factors are also available through the PDB's WWW-based 3DB Browser
(http://www.pdb.bnl.gov/pdb-bin/pdbmain). This can be seen on the browser's
atlas page for each structure.
The ready availability of structure-factor files in a standard format has
made it possible for any scientist to validate a structure in
the PDB versus its experimentally observed data. There are
now some excellent tools available for this, such as SFCHECK
and the Uppsala Electron Density Server
(http://alpha2.bmc.uu.se/valid/density/form1.html). The PDB has also
observed that one of the most popular uses for these stored structure
factors is for the crystallographer who did the experiment to be able to
retrieve his/her own data which have been misplaced in their laboratory.
Table 1
PDB structure factor (SF) submission.
* As of November 24 1998.
PDB World Wide Web Mirroring System
Dawei Lin, John Spiletic, and Nancy O. Manning
PDB's World Wide Web server is the major tool used to access the three
dimensional macromolecular structural information archived at the PDB.
Thousands of times a day, scientists, students and other users around the
world visit the PDB to browse and access this data. In order to meet the
need for rapid access worldwide, a global network of seventeen mirror sites
has been established.
The information on PDB's web server changes frequently. New information is
generated on a daily basis. Synchronizing the PDB and its mirror sites to
provide exactly the same services while requiring minimum human involvement
is a necessary but nontrivial task. We developed an automatic web mirroring
procedure to solve this problem. The procedure is based on ftp mirroring
technology. It has been used by the mirror sites and PDB for approximately
two years.
The development and mirroring procedures are shown in Figure 1. The numbered
steps are explained as follows:
1. HTML pages and CGI codes are developed and tested on the development
server in the source code control area.
2. The working code and HTML pages are copied to a read-only area, which can
be mirrored by test servers.
3. The updated information is mirrored onto an internal test server, which is
in a different area than the development area. It has its own directory
tree. The internal server is used to test if the relative links and the
mirror procedure are working. People are asked to test the web pages and the
function of CGI scripts.
4. After everything is tested, the files are copied outside the firewall to
an account that is available to the mirror sites.
5. All the mirror sites and the PDB use exactly the same mirroring procedure
to update our web servers.
Specific areas on the httpd server are dedicated to PDB web activities. All
the HTML pages and CGI scripts are in the /pdb-docs/ and /pdb-bin/
directories, respectively. There are also index files and local
configuration files in /PDB-support/. This avoids confusing PDB applications
with other applications on the same server, which would complicate the
mirror procedure.
Relative links are used in all the HTML pages and the HTML pages generated
by the scripts. For example, to create a hyperlink to the 3DB Browser in the
file named index.html,
3DB Browser
is used instead of
3DB Browser.
The advantage of relative links is that pages copied to the mirror sites'
machines will point to local resources without having to be edited locally.
This is one of the key points in automating the web mirror procedure.
To make relative links work properly, the mirror sites maintain a local
configuration file. The configuration file reflects the local directory tree
and available resources. PDB provides a generic template, and mirror sites
modify it according to their set up. This configuration file is excluded
from the automatic mirroring procedure to avoid being overwritten by the
original template file. Changes to the configuration files are sent to
mirrors by e-mail one week in advance, to be included manually.
To avoid duplication and allow easy maintenance of the resources, PDB's web
and ftp servers share some files. All mirror sites support both web and ftp
servers. When a hyperlink points to a file on the ftp server, a Server Side
Include (SSI) script is used in order to access the local ftp server of each
mirror site. Its function is to use configuration variables to dynamically
generate a path to the local file. A sample perl code is shown below:
require "PDB-local.pl";
print "Content-type: text/html", "\n\n";
$id = "pub/resources/hetgroups/het_dictionary.txt"> Het
Group Dictionary.
When a user requests this link, the web server will parse the SSI script
pdb_ftp.pl and translate the above link to
Het Group Dictionary .
Clicking on this link returns the file from the PDB ftp server. The same
thing happens at each mirror site. The mirror's server substitutes
$PDB'ftpServer with its local ftp server name.
HTML pages and CGI scripts are put into a read-only account available to
mirror sites. Mirror sites use the ftp mirror tool, mirror.pl, to mirror the
updated information from this account. For security reasons, this account is
not an anonymous ftp account, but requires a password for access. In
addition, this account can only be accessed by ftp. This process can be made
as a cron job to fully automate the update procedures. Although the
procedure is automatic, an e-mail message is sent to mirror sites for update
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank the EBI and other mirror sites for
their suggestions, their support, and their help in making the PDB easily
available to our users.
PDB Mirror Sites
University of San Luis pdb.unsl.edu.ar
ANGIS - Australian National Genomic Information Service, Sydney
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne
ICB-UFMG, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais www.pdb.ufmg.br
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing
Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier pdb.igh.cnrs.fr/
GMD, German National Research Center for Information Technology, Sankt
Augustin pdb.gmd.de/
Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot pdb.weizmann.ac.il/
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University www2.protein.osaka-u.ac.jp/
ICM - Interdisciplinary Centre for Modelling, Warsaw University
National Tsing Hua University, HsinChu pdb.life.nthu.edu.tw
United Kingdom
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, Cambridge pdb.ccdc.cam.ac.uk
EMBL Outstation, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton
United States
Bio Molecular Engineering Research Center, Boston University, MA
North Carolina Supercomputing Center, Research Triangle Park, NC
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia pdb.bmb.uga.eduProposal: PDB
Depositors Club
Proposal: PDB Depositors Club
The following letters appeared on several crystallographic discussion groups
on November 5 and 6, 1998, and are reprinted with permission of the authors.
Morten Kjeldgaard, Institute of Molecular and Structural Biology, Aarhus
University, Aarhus, Denmark (mok@imsb.au.dk)
Dear Colleague,
As you are probably aware, the Protein Data Bank is moving from Brookhaven
National Laboratory to the RCSB which is a consortium of three academic
research institutions in the United States.
It is the opinion of many crystallographers worldwide that the PDB at
Brookhaven has been improving tremendously the last few years under the
leadership of Prof. Joel Sussman. Therefore, the decision to move the
database came as a surprise to many crystallographers, especially outside
the USA. Many have felt that this is just another case of an arrogant
"we-pay-for-it-so-we-can-do-what-we-want" attitude.
However, life goes on, and whatever frustrations one might have over the
decision, it has been made and we need to make the best of it.
One thing that is of concern to me, and several other crystallographers I
have talked to, is the question of whether the PDB is gradually being taken
over by bioinformticists. Although the representation of crystallographers
in the RCSB is presently strong through the involvement of the Berman and
Gilliland groups, this question is relevant because a major part of the
grant proposal (http://rcsb.rutgers.edu/pdb/docs/grant/toc.html) describes
various databases that are to be created from the deposited structural
models. The deposition process itself, and the maintenance of an archive, is
not emphasized very much in the grant proposal.
Problems with Brookhaven PDB
To be honest, we have to admit that there have been problems with the
Brookhaven PDB. First of all, the reluctance of the Brookhaven team to
modernize the PDB format and to remove oddities like the HETATM cards, the
inconsistencies of the files
(different versions of the format exists), and other weirdnesses that have
caused programmers to age before time. Second, the question (or solution to
the question) of the large number of bookkeeping errors that exist in the
current database has not been addressed, at least not in public. The "one
million errors in protein structures" controversy initiated by a Nature
letter (Hooft et al. (1996), Nature 381, 272) was surprisingly co-authored
by a prominent Brookhaven PDB coworker. The discussion following (Jones et
al. (1996), Nature 383, 18-19) revealed that a large fraction of that
million errors were actually errors in the files themselves, not in the
structural models.
The deposition of coordinates in the Brookhaven PDB has been vastly
facilitated during the last couple of years through the introduction of the
"Autodep" system, but many crystallographers have been alienated by the very
tight ties that have evolved lately through the checking procedure as
implemented in the WhatCheck program. It seems that the Brookhaven PDB
deposited it's responsibility for entry checking with a single programmer
who has implemented his own home-grown, more-or-less arbitrary and/or
empirical checking schemes. The depositor has often been faced with
kilobytes of "error" report most of which actually reflect errors or
misconceptions in the software and not of the structure. I'd love to see the
WhatCheck report on a future 5A ribosome model. Kidding aside, this
situation has of course not been satisfactory to the vast majority of
Last week at the Cold Spring Harbor Course on Macromolecular
Crystallography, the RCSB group leaders gave presentations presenting the
New PDB, followed by a critical discussion, where a few crystallographers in
the audience aired their frustrations. What are the Americans doing to the
PDB? We have all contributed to the database! How will the deposition of
models and data be handled in the future? How will the validation be carried
out? Are there plans for including important data (refinement dictionaries,
for example) in the database? Are there plans for collaboration with
international institutions? And so on...
My impression from the discussion was that the New PDB are quite willing to
listen to the crystallographic community in building a future service. To
the question of international partners, the European Bioinformatics
Institute (EBI) was mentioned, but it was hinted that the position of this
institution had not yet been clarified and that they might want to initiate
an alternative service. The EBI does not really represent the European
crystallographers anyway.
PDB Depositors Club
I propose the formation of a "PDB Depositors Club", not only to maintain the
interests of the people who deposit information in the PDB, but also to act
as a sparring partner for the New PDB. I imagine that the club could be a
"grassroot movement", first as a discussion forum on the internet and a Web
page (volunteers?). Later we could perhaps have mini-workshops and
get-togethers at various international crystallography meetings. To get
things started, I have established a mailing list where we can have the
discussion. To join, send an email to pdb-depositor-request@imsb.au.dk with
the word "subscribe" in the subject line. At the time of this writing, the
mailing list has one only subscriber (guess who) so you'll have to subscribe
if you wish to follow the (I hope) upcoming discussion. Postings to the list
should be sent to pdb-depositor@imsb.au.dk. Please wait a few days before
submitting anything to the pdb-depositor list, otherwise not many people
will see it.
Below, I have detailed my views on a number of topics that I think are
relevant to the PDB depositors:
Deposition of structural models
Deposition of diffraction data
Deposition of NMR data
On hold period for release of data
International funding of PDB
Deposition of structural models
The typical misunderstanding by bioinformaticists is the conception that the
atomic model is a representative of the data. As any crystallographer knows,
this is not the case. The atomic model is an interpretation of the data, and
this is a very important distinction. Many models deposited in the PDB have
been built from low-resolution diffraction information, and actually
represent much more information than was originally present in the
diffraction data. This is a regrettable fact arising because we always
choose to represent molecules by the coordinates of the atom centroid and a
displacement parameter. One could of course represent each residue as a
characteristically shaped "blob", which would be more appropriate when the
crystals only exhibit limited resolution. But for the sake of lazy
convenience, and because "blob-refinement" programs have not yet been
written (and to the benefit of bioinformaticists who know how to write
programs that read PDB format files), we choose to build models that contain
coordinates for each atom. It is the responsibility of the user of this
information to judge how accurate it is. The crystallographic community
needs to discuss what level of checking is necessary and relevant, and how
it should be carried out.
Deposition of diffraction data
If we want to record the ever-growing body of crystallographic data, it is
imperative that we start thinking seriously about the deposition of
diffraction data, and all relevant information associated with this. In the
old PDB, as well as the New PDB, the overwhelming emphasis concerns the
structural models. To be provocative, one might say that the coordinates are
completely irrelevant from an archiving point of view, they are merely a
convenience to the users. The real and important information stemming from a
diffraction experiment are the structure factors and phases, including the
derivative data. If we need to redo a structure 50 years from now using new
and improved methods, that is the information we need to use. The PDB
depositors club would be a good forum to discuss these things, and to come
up with proposals for guidelines.
Deposition of NMR data
Not being an NMR spectroscopist, I will leave this for other people to
On hold period for release of data
Recently, Science joined the group of scientific journals that require the
crystallographers to release the coordinates at the time of publication. The
voluntary on-hold period of one year that many researchers in the field have
used is not accepted any more. This policy is the result of an intense
lobbying effort by many bioinformaticists and a few crystallographers. An
Internet poll conducted by Nature Structural Biology gave 855 votes in favor
of release on publication and 410 against. An additional poll was later
conducted, asking whether the voter was actually a coordinate depositor or
not. I never saw the result of that poll, but I have no doubt what the
result must have been.
In the perfect world, we are all happy, singing, and dancing on the grass,
and we would be happy to give away our most important information. However,
in the real world, a structure determination often represents a great
investment economically, and years of work. It is reasonable, that the
crystallographers, if they think that non-disclosure of coordinates of a
specific project is important, should have a limited time to make use of
those coordinates. We all know the hectic weeks and days before a structure
paper is sent off to the journal. There is not much time to discover the
interesting features of the structure. In our lab, we have adopted the
policy of putting the release of coordinates on-hold for one year, but
releasing them to anybody who asks for them. The new policy of the
structural biology journals will not result in a speed-up of the release of
coordinates, but rather a slow-down in the writing of papers. Not all
journals however, favor the release-on-publication policy, and The
Biophysical Journal, for example will not adopt the practice. This topic is
also important and interesting for a discussion in the Depositors Club.
International funding of PDB
The data in the PDB has been determined by the entire international
community of crystallographers and NMR spectroscopists. Therefore,
scientists of all nationalities have a natural interest in the functioning
and well being of the PDB archive. This resource needs to be secured for the
future. It would be a natural development to attempt a full international
funding and governing of the data repository. We have to face it: it is
great for crystallographers all over the world that the US government has
supported the PDB so far, but if we want influence, we need to contribute
more than data. These remarks cover the archiving function of the PDB.
Creation of databases is in my opinion a separate task from archiving as
this represents a service to Internet users. Anyone with the desire to
create a relational database can acquire the archive and get on with it. We
need to have this important discussion.
This letter is already too long. I hope you will appreciate it as an
introduction to discussion, and that it will be useful to you and your
colleagues in establishing your views on the matter. If you have received it
more than once, it is because I have submitted it to a few mailing lists, so
please accept my apologies.
Sincerely yours,
Morten Kjeldgaard
The EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute, Macromolecular Structure
Database Group (EBI-MSD), Hinxton, UK (msd@ebi.ac.uk)
Firstly, we welcome any input from the crystallographic community and
comments on suggested directions to proceed in. However, a great deal of
work has been and is being done on the topics that Morten has put forward
for his suggested "PDB Depositors Club"
The EBI-MSD is aware of its responsibility to the macromolecular structure
determination community and welcomes input from both producers and consumers
of structural data. The EBI-MSD group is developing a deposition system that
is based on commercial database and web interface software and although this
is at an advanced development stage again input is welcomed.
Morten mentions the relationship between the PDB (RCSB) and the
Macromolecular Structure Database group at the European Bioinformatics
re: whatever impression was gained at the Cold Spring Harbor Course on
EBI-MSD is not part of the US RCSB, but is working in close cooperation with
the RCSB. The NSF's request for proposals to run the PDB explicitly required
the winner to cooperate with EBI-MSD.
re: Deposition of structural models
The EBI-MSD group attends the meetings of the EU supported network CT96-0189:
CRITQUAL: Coordinator Wilson (York), Jones (Uppsala), Kaptein (Utrecht),
Lamzin (EMBL-HH), Thornton (London), Vriend (EMBL-HD), Wodak (Brussels).
Future validation of submissions will be based upon the conclusions produced
by this group - their draft report is due soon and the EBI-MSD will base
validation and validation filters upon the report from the CRITQUAL Network.
re: The crystallographic community needs to discuss what level of checking
is necessary and relevant, and how it should be carried out.
This is of course true, and a great deal of discussion is already under way.
In Europe the EU supported network CT96-0189: CRITQUAL: Coordinator Wilson
(York), Jones (Uppsala), Kaptein (Utrecht), Lamzin (EMBL-HH), Thornton
(London), Vriend (EMBL-HD), Wodak (Brussels) has initiated discussion at
various meetings; in particular, the ECM17 satellite meeting August 1997,
aand further discussions made up a major part of the EBI/CCP4 workshop in
September this year. The paper published by the network in J.Mol.Biol. this
year also addresses the question of "what level of checking is necessary".
(Who checks the checkers? Four validation tools applied to eight atomic
resolution structures. EU 3-D Validation Network. (1998) J.Mol.Biol. 276,
The depositors club should provide an excellent forum for further
discussion, and dissemination of ideas.
re: Deposition of diffraction data
This is already required, but not policed effectively enough (see Ted
Baker's IUCr letter).
The EBI-MSD group has initiated a major change in the submission of
crystallographic data that has been given international support from most of
the authors of the software used in macromolecular crystallography (see
For example, the authors of CNS have written a deposition macro that writes
a harvest file and is now ready in the latest version and includes all
structure factor and dictionary information.
Other examples are both the CCP4 and the ESRF beam line software that is
currently under development to meet EBI-MSD suggestions for data capture.
re: Deposition of NMR data
The EBI-MSD group have completed a full macromolecular relational database
representation that includes details for an NMR macromolecular experiment
and are working closely with the RCSB (NDB) and the BMRB. We have contact
with the proposed new CCP within the UK for NMR and with the IUPAC
initiative to define the tags required to define spectra including NMR.
re: whether the PDB is gradually being taken over by bioinformaticists
This point is not such an evil as indicated. Crystallographers are not
necessarily the best judges of how to organise and archive and setup the
retrieval of all the information contained within a PDB entry. The creation
of a relational database requires domain knowledge but also requires
database technology that can cope with a global view of all the entries.
Crystallographers are usually not interested in data base organisation, per
se. However with the increasing number of structures available some
hierarchy has to be set up to allow efficient retrieval and usage. It is
important to have consistency in atom naming, description of biological
units, etc. The EBI-MSD group has experience in Crystallography, NMR
structure determination and software development. The group has access to a
strong database development team to integrate 3D structure data into all the
database development carried out both at the EBI and for EBI partnerships
throughout the world.
re: bookkeeping errors that exist in the current database have not been
The EBI-MSD group in collaboration with the PDB and now with the RCSB and
other groups are undertaking a major cleanup of all the PDB entries to
create a set of files that are globally consistent and internally consistent
and will be in a single format. Enormous progress has been made for this
undertaking and the result will be ready as a complete set before the PDB
shuts down at BNL. This cleaned up version of the PDB files will remove
perhaps all of the errors from the existing PDB files with the exception of
the few coordinate errors.
re: the EBI does not really represent the European crystallographers
The EBI-MSD does not formally represent structural research groups in
Europe, it does however have close contact with European crystallography
through CCP4 and the EMBL has set up a senior advisory panel of European
scientists to work with the EBI-MSD group. The EBI-MSD group is in part
funded by EU money, and has the relevant skills for helping to update the
PDB. It is not clear who does represent the European community; there are
European representatives on the PDB Advisory board (Keith Wilson currently)
and the PDB is advised by the IUCr on crystallographic questions. Ted Baker,
the current President of the IUCr also sits on the advisory board. Through
the ECM and local crystallographic associations it is possible to have
considerable influence on both the PDB and the Journals.
Please send comments to msd@ebi.ac.uk.
The EBI-MSD Macromolecular Structure Database Group: Kim Henrick, Peter
Keller, John Irwin, John Ionides, Geoff Barton.
Validation of Sugars in the PDB
Tirso Pons, Daan van Aalten, Gert Vriend, European Molecular Biology
Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany (Gert.Vriend@embl-heidelberg.de)
After the release of dictionaries that allow for the refinement of sugar
groups around 1990, the number of sugars and sugar-like residues in the PDB
shows an increase as function of time (see Fig. 1 for a plot of the number
of sugar residues deposited in the PDB as function of the year).
Unfortunately, a certain fraction of these sugars are deposited with fancy
names that bare hardly any resemblance with their chemical nature. There are
even a few sugars deposited with the name of another sugar. At present the
number of sugar residues in the PDB is still small (approximately 4299), so
we should think now about the deposition of sugars in the PDB, because once
this number is 10 times bigger, we will never find anybody crazy enough to
go back to all old PDB files and modify them. The authors of this note are
not sugar chemists, so don't expect any solutions from us; we merely
describe the problem.
From a validator's point of view, sugars are much more complex than amino
acids. Every atom in amino acids has a fixed chirality, but in sugars about
every carbon is chiral leading to a plethora of diastereoisomers. Sugars can
occur as chair or boat and a whole series of conformations in-between. Worst
of all, they can be linear and circular, and the circular form sometimes
isn't even unique [e.g. 1]. Additional problems are created by the fact that
two sugars can use more or less every pair of OH groups to form a glycosidic
bond. In proteins we have, rather logically, decided that N-Ca-C=O forms the
backbone of one residue. Sugar residues, however, link up in an almost
symmetrical manner. Two OH groups together split off one water and the two
sugar rings are connected with one oxygen between them. Without detailed
knowledge about the underlying chemistry it is not possible to decide which
residue this oxygen belongs to. We looked at all 34 PDB files that contain
at least two linked glucose units that were called GLC, and counted how
often the bridging oxygen administratively belongs to the previous unit, and
how often to the next one. The results (109 times to the previous and 51
times to the next sugar residue) indicate that the depositors have not
treated this aspect of the deposition randomly, but a much higher
consistency nevertheless seems desirable. The last problem we want to
address here is that sugars are sometimes deposited backwards. For proteins
the rule is that the N-terminal residue comes first, the residue it gave its
oxygen to in the di-peptide formation process becomes the second residue,
etc. Similar rules exist for nucleic acids. For proteins and nucleic acids
these rules followed rather naturally from our understanding of the
biosynthesis. Surely, if protein synthesis had started at the C-terminal
end, all proteins would have been deposited in the PDB with their sequence
order inverted. The authors of this article do not know much about sugar
synthesis, but think that it is time to discuss the topic of the order in
which sugars ought to be deposited. The 1-4 sugar linkage is the most common
in the PDB. We found a few cases where glucose chains are deposited in a 4-1
direction. We do not know if this inverted sugar order expresses a real
chemical difference, i.e., if the biosynthesis took place in the direction
as indicated in the PDB file. Fact is that we found glucoses linked up in
two different directions with all administrative parameters identical; a
true validator's nightmare.
At present, most molecular graphics programs will read sugars as a series of
connected clumps of atoms. The last decade has seen an increase in the
number of articles describing all kinds of aspects of protein structures.
These articles are normally based on the study of a large series of PDB
files. We have so far seen only a relatively small number of studies about
aspects of sugars and protein - sugar interactions [e.g., 2-5]. It seems
likely, however, that the number of such articles will grow with the number
of PDB depositions that contain sugar residues. It seems equally likely that
the authors of those articles would be greatly helped if they could actually
read the PDB files into a program that deals with sugars in a structured
We have written a program that, given the coordinates of a small molecule,
returns a string that encodes the atom types, bonds, bond types, chiralities
and ring closures of that molecule in a unique character string (a so-called
MOLDES). The MOLDES for glucose is given in Fig. 2. A full explanation of
MOLDES strings is beyond the scope of this article, and has been published
before [6]. A WWW based server that converts atomic coordinates into MOLDES
strings is available (http://swift.embl-heidelberg.de/prodrg_serv/). These
strings are much like smiles strings [7], but better computer readable,
albeit much less human readable. The advantage of this program is that the
input atoms do not need to have the correct names, as long as the names of
all atoms start with the Medeleev symbol. The program also does not care
what name the depositor has given to the residue. It does matter, though,
that the bond lengths and bond angles agree with the hybridization of the
atoms. We have made a library of seven MOLDES strings. Using these, we can
correctly detect about 44% of all sugars in the PDB. We intend make a
library of MOLDES strings that covers all sugars deposited in the PDB (about
one hundred strings would suffice to detect more than 98% of all sugars in
the PDB). This would, however, be a lot of work, and it would be nice if
some committee consisting of sugar chemists, crystallographers and NMR
spectroscopists and the PDB staff could sit together and derive a set of
guidelines for the conversion of the IUPAC rules for carbohydrate
nomenclature [8] to the more practical PDB entries. The problems mentioned
above should definitely be addressed if we ever want to be able to validate
sugars that are deposited in the PDB (See Fig. 3).
1) Drew K.N., Zajicek J., Bondo G., Bose B., Serriani A.S., 13C-Labeled
aldopentoses: detection and quantitation of cyclic and acyclic forms by
heteronuclear 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Carbohydr. Res. 1998, in press.
2) Perez, S., Kouwijzer M., Mazeau K., Engelsen S.B., Modeling
polysaccharides: Present status and challenges. J. Mol. Graphics 14:
307-321, 1996.
3) Quiocho F.A., Carbohydrate-binding proteins: tertiary structures and
protein-sugar interactions. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 55: 287-315, 1986.
4) Vyas N.K., Atomic features of protein-carbohydrate interactions. Curr.
Opin. Struct. Biol. 1: 732-740, 1991.
5) Elgavish S., Shaanan B., Lectin-carbohydrate interactions: different
folds, common recognition principles. Trends Biochem. Sci. 22: 462-467,
6) Van Aalten, D.M.A., Bywater, R., Findlay, J.B., Hendlich, M., Hooft,
R.W.W., Vriend, G., PRODRG a program for generating
molecular topologies and unique molecular descriptors from
coordinates of small molecules. J.Comp.Aid.Mol.Des. 10: 255-262, 1996.
7) Weininger, D., Smiles, a chemical language and information system.
J.Chem.Inf. Comput.Sci., 28: 31-36, 1988.
8) McNaught, A.D., Nomenclature of carbohydrates. Adv. in Carb. Chem. and
Biochem. 52: 43-177, 1997.
Figure 1. Plot of the number of sugar residues deposited in the PDB as a
function of year.
Figure 2. The MOLDES string for glucose
a) Compound name: MAL
The same 3 letter code has been used for maltose (left) in PDB entries 1cdg
and 1cxe, for D-malate (right) in 2scs and 4scs, for L-malate in 1scs and
3scs and for malonate (C3H4O4) in 1at1 and 2at1.
b) Glucose (left) and mannose (right) are C2 epimers. Mannose is called GLC
in (for example) 1dog, 1gah and 1gai.
Figure 3.Two nomenclature problems.
Notes of a Protein Crystallographer -
A Crystal in Time
Cele Abad-Zapatero
Abbott Laboratories, Department of Structural Biology, Abbott Park, IL, USA
Except for the time that it takes to solve our crystal structures, the
variable `time' does not play an important role in the professional life of
protein crystallographers. The variables upon which we concentrate all of
our efforts are the spatial coordinates (x,y,z), either within our electron
density maps or as the triads placing in space the atoms of our chemical
models. As many other people have argued before, our science and our results
are static. Only the temperature factors associated with atoms or groups of
atoms in the crystal give a glimpse of the incessant motion of our atomic
During my postdoctoral years at Purdue University, I was fortunate to meet
and become friends of a very special person whose main interest was time and
its relation to the study of biological clocks. At that time, Arthur T.
Winfree was a well known and respected figure in the field and had just
published a major book entitled `The Geometry of Biological Time' (1). The
monograph was an amazing compendium of observations and mathematical models
of what was known at the time about biological clocks. We used to have lunch
together at some of the local eateries in West Lafayette and these social
encounters were my first introduction to the fascinating world of the
circadian regularities in living organisms. Unfortunately for me, he left
Purdue University for warmer climates soon after my arrival, and as a
good-bye present gave me a copy of his monograph with the following
"For CAZ, crystallographer of space
From ATW, crystallographer of time"
I was very intrigued by those few words and inspired by Arthur's personality
and approach to science. Dr. Winfree went on to gain recognition for his
iconoclastic and imaginative research in cardiac arrhythmias and was awarded
a well deserved McArthur fellowship. During the ensuing postdoctoral years
at Purdue and during my non-existent spare time, I read some sections of the
book and tried to grasp the fundamentals of the field. Naturally I failed,
but a few years later I rediscovered the theme in a simpler, more
descriptive and artistic, version of the original monograph entitled 'The
Timing of Biological Clocks' (2). In its new reincarnation, the universe of
circadian rhythms swallowed me for about two or three months and even though
I have certainly not mastered the field, during my readings I discovered a
fundamental theme that percolates through the biological clocks of many
living systems. This fundamental observation was baptized by Arthur T.
Winfree as the 'Time Crystal' and was first discovered in a species of the
fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura. In addition to the word crystal, there
is also an anecdotal and historical connection to protein crystallographers.
The data showing the first time crystal were plotted on perspex sheets in
Cambridge, England, in the same workshop where the pioneers of protein
crystallography built stacks of electron density maps to visualize the early
protein structures (Fig. 1, left).
I am by no means an expert in the field of biological clocks but I'll try to
introduce the basic concept of the time crystal to our community for two
reasons. First, as a small homage to another outstanding scientist and
friend of mine in a field different from ours. Second, as an inspiration to
the new generations of protein crystallographers. Nowadays, when our trade
has become so streamlined, some of the old timers might even say, almost
effortless; when new structures are solved and refined at an ever faster and
alarming rate; when perhaps the new generations are wondering why did they
get into protein crystallography in the first place. Now, I would like to
point out to them that they should look for inspiration in solving problems
related to the interface between our static structures and the
quintessential dynamic process of life. How do biological clocks work at the
molecular level? What is the structure of the essential molecular
components? How do the physico-chemical properties of the microscopic
cellular milieu produce this circadian dance in so many living systems: from
the rhythmical glow of Gonyaulax cells, to the eclosion of a population of
eggs in Drosophila, and to the collective rhythm of the flowers of the
Kalanchoë plant?
The existence of an internal clock in many different biological systems with
an approximate period of 24 hours (circadian) has been well established (see
for instance the two books mentioned). Of interest for the discussion is the
fact that within the pupal case of the fruit fly Drosophila (rice-like
structures where larvae await their flight to adulthood), the brain of the
larvae keeps time and dictates the exact moment of eclosion of each
particular individual. In this state, the motionless pupa is a
self-contained system which does not exchange any food or excreta with its
surrounding environment. In nature and in a laboratory that is exposed to
24-hour cycle of equal days and nights, the emergence of the individual, or
eclosion, occurs in the first hours of daylight. Typically, the adult
individuals emerge from their pupal cases in bunches or bursts, the timing
of which is a reflection of the internal clocks.
Even though the pupal cases do not exchange matter with the surrounding
environment they are subject to external stimuli, especially light. Rearing
the larvae under constant light suppresses the ticking clocks and it turns
out that these clocks are blind to red or even yellow light, but are
extremely sensitive to blue light. The eclosion of an entire population of
pupae can be put in synchrony experimentally by collecting them in bright
fluorescent lights and them put in red or yellow environment. However, even
a brief exposure to a perturbing light penetrating their eternal darkness
offsets the timing of all the subsequent bursts, as though the incoming
photons had reset the original phase of the internal clock from its old
value to a new phase. This new phase depends also on the intensity of the
perturbing light.
I apologize for the lengthy preparation but I could not explain the time
crystal existing in biological clocks without introducing the identity and
meaning of the three axes: x-axis horizontal, old phase of the circadian
clock (hours); y-axis, vertical new phase (hours), and z-axis (into the
page), stimulus duration in seconds. When Dr. Winfree plotted in perspex
sheets the summary of several hundreds of experiments of perturbed eclosion
events in Drosophila larvae he found a repeated pattern that he labeled the
time crystal (Fig. 1). The three-dimensional plot showed how the new phase
induced by the perturbation was dependent on the pre-existing -old - phase
and on the intensity of the external stimulus; it displayed a 21 screw axis
in the singularity point where the switch between odd and even resetting
takes places (Fig. 2). Time, space and the limitations of my own knowledge
prevent me from discussing the subtleties of this pattern that has been
found in many other circadian clocks when the old phase is reset by
different external stimuli to a new phase. I do encourage the reader to read
some of the details in the books that I have introduced.
Thus, crystalline symmetry is found not only in the geometrical patterns
that we are so accustomed to in our everyday experience. It
has also been unveiled in the internal works of dynamical processes which
are essential to living systems. If I were to be a young macromolecular
crystallographer again, it is within this domain that I would look for new
scientific puzzles. It is the causal connection between our static
structures and the rhythms of life that intrigues me. Well, perhaps the new
generations will move one step further in this direction, now that our
friends the molecular and cell biologists have cut a trail towards some of
the proteins responsible for these circadian clocks (3).
1. The Geometry of Biological Time. (1980). A. T. Winfree. Springer-Verlag.
Biomathematics Monograph no. 8. New York, Heidelberg, Berlin.
2. The Timing of Biological Clocks. (1987). A.T. Winfree.
Scientific American Library. Distributed by W. H. Freeman and Company. New
York, Oxford, England.
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Sabrina Hargrove
Jiansheng Jiang
Mariya Kobiashvili
Patricia A. Langdon
Michael D. Libeson
Dawei Lin
Nancy O. Manning
John E. McCarthy
Christine Metz
Regina K. Shea
Janet L. Sikora
Lu Sun
S. Swaminathan
Dejun Xue
Statement of Support
The PDB is supported by a combination of Federal Government Agency funds (work
supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation; the U.S. Public Health
Service,National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources,
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and National Library of
Medicine; and the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-98CH10886)
and user fees.