Type in the name of the INPUT DATA file: COORDINATES TAKEN FROM : RNA_DNA.FRC Is the data file in the "BROOKHAVEN PDB" format?(Y/N) N If not, type in the input data format Field specific ations required: Atom Name, Res.Name, Res.No., XYZ Coords. (T1,A4,T5,A3,T38,I2,T8,3F10.5) TYPE UNIT CELL PARAMETERS: A,B,C AND ALPHA,BETA,GAMA UNIT CELL PARAMETERS :: A = 24.20 B = 43.46 C = 49.40 APLHA = 90.00 BETA = 90.00 GAMA = 90.00 Is the molecule a double stranded helix? (Y/N) Y Are the residues numbered according to the Brookhaven format? (Y/N) Y Should the base-pair ORIGIN be at the Centre of Gravity? (NOT RECOMMENDED!! Default is midpoint of C6--C8:)(Y/N) N Should the Y-axis be along the line joining C1' atoms? (If "No",Y-axis is taken along the C6--C8 direction:)(Y/N) Y Are Single Strand Parameters required? (Y/N) Y Should the molecule be reoriented about a LINEAR GLOBAL Helix Axis? (Y/N) Y Should the GLOBAL AXIS be fitted to: 1. Local HELIX ORIGINS (Type O) 2. Base-Pair CENTERS (Type C) 3. Any Backbone atom (Type the atom name) C1' Results of the calculation are written into: RNA_DNA.PRM Reoriented atomic coordinates written into: RNA_DNA.COOR Are P--P distances and Cylindrical Polar Coordinates required?(Y/N) Only meaningful for reoriented molecule. Y Is the torsion angle calculation required? (Y/N) Y