

Name of User	____________________________________	Date	___________

Organization	____________________________________	Phone	___________

Address	        ____________________________________	Fax	___________

	        ____________________________________	E-mail	___________


- Price is valid through September 30, 1997
- Price is per CD-ROM set released - releases occur four times per year
- Facsimile and phone orders are not acceptable

The Protein Data Bank MUST receive all three of the following items 
before shipment can be completed (please send all required items 
together via postal mail - facsimile and phone orders are NOT 

	1. Completed order form;
	2. Mailing label indicating exact shipping address; 
	3. Payment (using one of the two options below):

		- Check payable to Brookhaven National Laboratory in U.S. 
		  dollars and drawn on a U.S. bank. Foreign checks cannot 
	          be accepted and will be returned.

		- Original purchase order payable to Brookhaven National 
		  Laboratory. After your order is processed, you will be 
		  invoiced by Brookhaven National Laboratory.

	Please indicate exact address to which invoice should be sent:


		A wire transfer is acceptable only AFTER we have 
		received an original purchase order from your 
		organization and you have been invoiced by 
		Brookhaven. After receiving Brookhaven's invoice, 
		your bank may send a wire transfer to:

		Bank name	:  Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York
		Account name	:  Brookhaven National Laboratory
		Account number	:  076-51-912

	Please send all three required items together via postal mail to:

			Protein Data Bank Orders
			Biology Department, Building 463
			Brookhaven National Laboratory
			P.O. Box 5000
			Upton, NY 11973-5000 USA

	Protein Data Bank CD-ROM - ISO 9660 Format.................$357.25
	(tax and shipping charges not applicable)

Order Information: 
Telephone: 516-344-5752; Fax: 516-344-1376; E-mail: orders@pdb.pdb.bnl.gov